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PO Box 2126

Rawlins, WY 82301


Individual Dues per year...................$15.00

Family Dues per year.......................$25.00

Car Number......................................$10.00


1. Members must have dues paid in order to vote on issues concerning the Carbon County Racing Association (hereafter known as the "CCRA"). Dues are payable January 1st.

Car numbers will be registered on a first come basis. Previous car numbers registered will be held in reserve until February 15th. No duplicate numbers will be allowed within the same class. Registered numbers will be honored first.

3. Anyone who wishes to race for points must be a member of the CCRA, and the car must be registered with the CCRA. Dues and
registration fees will be paid prior to any points being awarded. All points will be awarded to the driver. Any driver, who competes in a First Driver Heat, will not be awarded points in a Second Driver Heat. Monies collected for car numbers will go towards end year awards.







WE ARE A NON-CLAIM TRACK (Except for Carburetor)!!

Unless sanctioned by IMCA or WISSOTA

In the event prize money is to be awarded, the number of cars in each class will determine the amount of prize money.



1. The CCRA is a non-profit organization. Any profits from this association are used to bring the race program to the public or go directly to the racers and spectators in the form of prizes.

2. The Board of Directors (consisting of: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Sargent at Arms), Officials, and Judges shall rule on all matters concerning rules, regulations, races, and procedures. Their decision shall be FINAL. They have the authority to amend these rules, but will not change them without "just cause". If any changes are made, they will be announced at the driver’s meetings.

3. All rules and regulations set forth herein, and any other rules and requirements that have been published by the CCRA, were designed to provide for the orderly conduct of all racing events. All persons attending must comply with these rules and adhere to the decisions of the track officials.


1. The Inspection Technical and Safety Committee is the authority on the legality of all matters pertaining to the cars. It is the job of the Inspection Technical and Safety Committee to check all the cars for safety and compliance with the rules of construction.

2. The inspection Technical and Safety Committee will enforce all rules pertaining to safety and construction of the cars. If you do something to your car that the rules have overlooked, you will be required to change your car.

3. Inspection Technical and Safety Committee may require any car to be checked for legality at any time.




7. All persons entering the pits must be 14 years of age or older if not with a paying parent. All persons must sign the insurance release form EACH TIME. All persons under 18 years of age must submit a NOTARIZED MINOR’S RELEASE signed by a legal guardian before entrance.


1. It is the responsibility of each and every driver to have a set of rules and to understand them.

2. Any person indulging in consumption of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, or drugs will be denied entry to the pits. Drinking alcoholic beverages while attending is strictly forbidden. Any persons displaying evidence of, and/or having consumed alcoholic beverages before or during a racing event shall have their pit pass taken away and be escorted from the premises. They will be subjected to a fine of $250.00 and suspended for 2 race dates.

3. Disorderly conduct at any sanctioned event of CCRA Speedway, meetings or banquets will result in up to a $500.00 fine and a 2-race date suspension. Second offenses within the same calendar year will result in suspension for the remainder of the season.

4. Rules will be changed when deemed necessary by CCRA concerning safety conditions or promotion of the racing program.

5. Any entry may be refused entrance to the event for reasons that are detrimental to the sport.

6. On any decision to be made by CCRA officials on a violation by a member, other than a direct rule violation, the member will appear before the CCRA Board of Directors.

7. All fines are payable to CCRA and shall be paid to the treasurer of the CCRA before racing privileges are reinstated.

8. When a car is sold during the current racing season, the new owner, (unless the new owner already has a current registered number), must purchase a new number in his name.

9. All grievances must be taken to the CCRA Board of Directors. The CCRA Board of Director’s word is final. All grievances must be in writing on regular size stationary.

10. The judge’s booth, pit tower, and starters stand are off limits to all persons, except officers and persons given permission by any officer, when deemed necessary. Any infraction will result in a $500.00 fine and/or suspension.

11. All new drivers must complete 5 hot laps with officials judging if they are capable of handling their car. Must have driver's license or permit or race license for example: Wissota license, IMCA license....etc....)

12. Open wheel cars will be allowed on the track with only open wheel cars in all racing events.

13. All cars must be of American manufacture, with the exception of mini-stocks.

14. No 4-wheel drives will be allowed. With exception of the mud bogs.

15. No car may run with fluid in the tires, or wheel weights. All ballast weight will be welded or bolted.

16. Instruments are optional. It is suggested that glass in tachometers and speedometers be replaced with plastic, as a safety precaution.

17. Cars may be equipped with exterior protector bars (sponsor bars) to protect the body from excessive damage. Bars or materials cannot exceed two inches O.D. and must not exceed three inches outside of the body. Bars may run from the rear of the front fender well to the front of the rear fender well. Only one protector bar on each side will be allowed. The ends must be turned in and secured to the roll cage or frame.

18. Cars will be attractively painted and have numbers at least 16 inches high, with the body of the number being at least 2 inches wide. Numbers must be on both sides of the car, in legible form. There must also be a number on the top of the car facing the passenger side. The year, make and cubic inch or cc must be on the right side of the car.

19. No rear view mirror allowed in any class. EXCEPT THUNDERSTOCK/CRUISER CLASS 1 OEM MIRROR IS ALLOWED.

20. No radio systems allowed in any class.

21. It will take a minimum of 5 cars starting the main event to constitute a race. Any fewer cars may run for their points.

22. All paychecks and vouchers must be endorsed with car number and driver’s signature. 

23. Drivers, pitmen, and car owners not cooperating with track officials will be subject to penalty at the discretion of the CCRA Board.

24. All participants in the pit area must conform to the rules. This includes drivers, pitmen, sponsors, family, and any other persons associated in any way.

25. The CCRA Board will make final judgment on any point not covered by a specific rule.

26. Any car meeting CCRA safety rules, but not meeting building rules, will be allowed to race on grace race. It will start in the rear and receive no points, money, or trophies.

27. Any car not mudding in when officials call you to be on the track will be put in the rear of the pack for all events that day and may receive a $25.00 penalty.

28. Cars should be kept painted and in good appearance for entire season.


30. No one under the age of 16 allowed to drive 4-wheelers, golf carts, go carts, or any other motorized vehicle.



1.Any part of a car judged to be unsafe by a safety official, will not be allowed to race until the discrepancy is corrected.

2. Roll bars required being a minimum of 1 ½ inch O.D., with a wall thickness of 0.095 for moly tubing and 0.125 for steel pipe. Four-post construction required, with cross bars arranged for good stability. Posts must be securely welded to the frame. Cage must be padded where head contact is possible. Padding must be securely fastened. No threaded fittings. Cars must have a minimum of 3 parallel bars under the window on the driver’s side, and 2 parallel bars on the opposite side. There must be a minimum of 2 vertical stabilizers between each horizontal. Front and rear loops are optional. They must be well concealed. There may be only one loop across the front and rear.

3. Center of steering wheel must be padded.

4. All cars must have an approved, quick-release, competition-type seat belt, with a 3-inch minimum lab belt and a 2-inch minimum harness. Belts will be securely fastened to the frame, cross bar, or roll bar separately from the seat. No cotton belts will be accepted. Two shoulder straps are required. Window nets or arm restraints required on all cars.

5. Gas tanks will be located inside the car at the rear and will be securely mounted. Homemade tanks must be made of a material with at least 1/8 inch steel thickness. The tank must be equipped with a cap and vent that will not leak in any position. Tank must be enclosed on 2 sides, the front, and the top by a firewall that will keep fire and fuel away from the driver. Tank must be accessible with a fire extinguisher from outside the car. No fuel lines will be permitted inside the driver’s compartment. Approved fuel cell is recommended, but optional

6. Battery switch will be accessible from outside the car. ON and OFF positions will be clearly marked. This also applies to electric fuel pumps hooked onto a toggle switch.

7. Batteries will be securely fastened. If in the driver’s compartment, they will be placed in and enclosed box, properly secured.

8. All open drive lines must be fully encompassed by a safety loop, constructed of a minimum ½ inch round stock, securely mounted within the front half of the drive line. Full floorboard mandatory. All drive lines must be painted white.

9. All cars must have a hood. Hoods must have at least 2 pin type or screw type fasteners. Fasteners must not protrude more than 2 inches through the hood.

10. Bench seats must be replaced with bucket type seats, with hinges welded. Seat must have headrest. Seat must be securely fastened to the frame or roll cage.

11. All glass must be removed. Lexan windshields optional. Windshield screen or protective bars are required. Center bar is required in center of opening on full-bodied cars.

12. All cars must have doors SECURELY FASTENED!

13. Cars may have steering quickened. Altered steering must be reinforced on two (2) sides.

14. All protruding edges will be rolled under, and all chrome trim and molding will be removed.

15. All drivers will wear a tech-approved crash helmet, which must be fastened when driver is on the track. Crash helmets are subject to rigid inspection. SA 90 OR NEWER. IF USING A “M” RATING FIRE SOCK REQUIRED.

16. It is mandatory that a properly charged fire extinguisher is in every pit, and must be visible and readily accessible at all time. All race cars are required to have a charged and working fire extinguisher, securely mounted and within easy reach of the driver.

17. No coolant lines or radiators will be permitted in the driver’s compartment.

18. Front and rear firewall and full driver’s compartment are mandatory in all classes.

19. Approved fire suits with long sleeves and full-length legs are required when on the track.

20. All cars must have working brakes on all wheels. NO EXCEPTIONS!

21. All right front rims must have heavy duty or double plated reinforced centers. No strictly stock or light wheels allowed. NO EXCEPTIONS!

22. The preceding rules are for your own safety; so don’t short-change yours or anyone else’s safety.


Officials will use flags, as set forth in this section, for the purpose of providing drivers with information. Officials may use light signals in addition to, or in lieu of flags, if the drivers are so informed prior to the race. If a driver is informed of a decision or event by officials in a manner other than by use of a flag or light signals, then use of a flag or light signal in that situation is not necessary.

1. GREEN FLAG (Start of Race)
A. In all races, each car must remain in its starting position until the No. 1 qualifier has crossed the start/finish line.
The No. 2 qualifier may not beat the No. 1 qualifier to the start/finish line.
B. The green flag will not be given until the lead car is at least on the front straight away.

C. After 2 attempts at a start or restart the offending car or cars will be moved to the rear of the pack.

2. BLUE FLAG WITH DIAGONAL YELLOW STRIPE (Passing Flag) The blue flag with a diagonal yellow stripe signifies that faster traffic is overtaking the cars being signaled. Cars being given this flag must prepare to yield to overtaking traffic

3. YELLOW FLAG (Caution Flag)
A. The yellow flag signifies caution, and this flag will be given to the first car passing the flagger. When the yellow flag is displayed, all cars, regardless of their location on the track, will slow down and maintain position on the track. The line-up and restart procedure will revert back to the last completed green flag lap. The officials have complete discretion to determine the position of the cars for restarts. There will be only one restart. After one restart, cars will line up single file. The cars causing the caution will go to the rear of the field.
B. In the event a pace car is used, no car may pass the pace car unless directed to do so by an official. Any car illegally passing the pace car will be black-flagged.
C. Pit attendants and mechanics shall not go on the track for any other reason while the cars are on the track. The only time drivers or cars may receive any service is when they are completely stopped in the pits.
D. Cars returning to the racecourse while the yellow flag is out must wait for approval from officials. You may not enter the track until directed to do so by an official at any time.
E. No pit crews or any other persons may service or repair any car until it has been removed from the race course.
F. Two abreast restarts will be permitted if approved by the officials.

4. RED FLAG (Stop Race) The red flag means that the race must be stopped immediately. Cars will stop immediately when the red flag is displayed.

5. BLACK FLAG (Report to pit immediately)
A. An open black flag means go to the pits immediately and report to the pit official.
B. A car will be black flagged for unnecessary roughness.
C. Folded black flag is a warning only. Second warning is open black flag go to the pits.

6. WHITE FLAG (One Lap to GO)

A. When the white flag is displayed, the leader has started his last lap.
B. No car may receive assistance after the white flag has been displayed. Violation will result in the car not being scored on that lap.

7. CHECKERED FLAG (End of Race)
A. When a checkered flag is displayed, it means the race is completed. When the lead car has completed the required race distance, the race will be declared "official", regardless of any other flag being displayed.
B. When the checkered flag is given to the leader, the balance of the field receives the checkered flag in the same lap.
C. Main event winners will come to the start line after main events are completed


1. A drivers meeting will be held prior to drawing for position, in front of the pit shack. Procedure and special rules will be discussed at this time. If you have questions, speak out.

2. Special flags may be used at the discretion of the officials, but must be explained before the race starts.

3. Drivers must observe and comply with all flags and lights at all times.

4. Any participant that interferes with the head flagger or the assistant flagger will receive an automatic $50.00 fine. Second offenses will result in an additional $100.00 fine and a 2-race day suspension.

5. While the races are in progress all cars will be under the jurisdiction of the head flagger. No car will pull onto the race track from the pits while the race is under green unless directed to do so by the pit boss.

6. Cars may not better their position until the green flag has been displayed.

7. The race may be shortened.

8. Disabled cars that are not deemed hazardous to the race will not be removed.

9. An official start requires all cars to complete 1 lap. There will be a maximum of 2 starts at the beginning of any event.

10. In the event of a restart, judges shall inform the head flagger of the position of the cars at the end of the last completed lap. Positions will be posted for restart on the blackboard at the starting line only. All restarts in the semi and main events will be started in single file after one lap has been completed. Restarting line-up will be determined as follows:

A. Cars will line up in the same position in which they completed the last green lap.
B. All cars causing an accident will restart in the rear of the line-up.

11. When a race is stopped due to a red flag, cars will be repositioned according to the last completed green flag lap. Any car causing the red flag, in the opinion of the flagger, will be positioned in the rear of the pack. Pit personnel will not be allowed onto the track.

12. Drivers are to REMAIN IN THEIR CARS at all times, when on the race track.

13. In the event of an accident only emergency crews will be permitted on the track. Any official may inspect a car involved in an accident, to insure the car is safe for continued racing.

14. NO ONE IS TO REMOVE OR HANDLE ANY INJURED DRIVER, unless instructed to do so by an EMT or physician.

15. Any car sitting in the infield during a race, for more than 3 laps, will be disqualified, and is to remain there until the race is stopped.

16. At the discretion of an official, any car involved in an accident will have 3 minutes to return to the race track after exiting to the pit.

17. In the event of unnecessary roughness, the flagger has the authority to disqualify the offending car from the race, or for the remainder of the day.

18. Disqualification will occur in the event of hazardous mechanical problems.

19. There will be no crossing of the track while a race is in progress. NO EXCEPTIONS!

20. Any car not mudding will be put in last position for the day and will be fined. The flagger will have complete control of the cars while on the track. The flagger’s decision will be considered final. The flagger may have another person on the stand with them to help spot problems, but the flagger will make final decision.


21. The officials will make the method of determining starting position.


22. There will be no driving on the track after the races are completed, except to tow or trailer cars away, unless there is a flagger and emergency crew present.


23. Practice sessions will be supervised by at least 2 club officers. No cars will be allowed on the track after pre-race maintenance has been completed.




2. For admission to the pits during race meets, persons entering pits must sign a WAIVER AND RELEASE FORM INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. All persons entering the pits will have paid, and will be issued a valid pit pass. The pit pass must be worn in a prominent place on the individual.

3. The drivers of the car will be held responsible for the actions of their crew and all others associated with their car.

4. Fast, careless driving, in the pit area will result in the driver being suspended from the program and/or fined. Only drivers are allowed in the car. No outside riders allowed. Maximum pit speed 5 MPH.

5. Cars scheduled, but not lined up prior to the termination of the preceding race, or at the time called by the pit boss, may be put in the rear of the starting lineup. All drivers are responsible for checking the blackboard for their positions.

6. All unauthorized vehicles will be removed from the pit area before the race start.

7. Pit officials will have complete control of the cars while in the pit area.


9. No glass containers will be allowed in the pit area.

10. Race car must be present in the pit area at the time the position numbers are being drawn, in order to be allowed to draw for position. All late entries will be placed at rear of the field.



1. If you have a question, please SPEAK UP in the pit meeting.

2. If you would like to compete in a destruction derby, we will not allow you to compete here.

3. Never go to the flag stand to discuss a flagging problem. Doing so will cost you $50.00.

4. When you need to talk to the flagger about a problem other officials must be present, at least the pit boss.

5. Do not race to yellow flag or pass any cars under yellow.

6. Do not pass pole position before green flag drops.

7. There will be 2 attempts at starts, and then the problem car or cars will go to rear of pack.

8. Green flag will not be given until pole car is on front straightaway.

9. You will only be allowed 2 spin outs per race that result in yellow flags. You will be disqualified on 3rd spin out.

10. Any unnecessary roughness or retaliation will get you Black Flagged.

11. In the event your car is not able to get to race speed you must go to extreme outside of track.


1. All protests must be in writing submitted on letter size stationary, accompanied by the cash amount (no checks accepted) required for the particular protest. Protests must be submitted to the pit boss. The protester must be present during the protest inspection. Only the driver or owner of a car that is participating can make protests in the same event as the protested car. Protests must be filed no later than ten minutes after the conclusion of the racing program.

2. An engine protest entitles the protester to check 3 specified engine components by tear down process. An engine protest will cost $100.00, a weight protest will cost $25.00, and an additional parts protest will cost $25.00 each.

3. Teardowns and inspections will be conducted under the supervision of the CCRA officials. Teardowns will be held within 48 hours at a place designated by the officials. The car will be impounded until tear down time.

4. The CCRA officials are not involved in the dispute. Their job is to determine the legality of the car in protest. The CCRA officials will report directly to the CCRA board. If found illegal the car will not be permitted to participate at any event until the car conforms to CCRA rules. The owner of the car being protested will be required to furnish tear down personnel.

5. Protested cars found to be within prescribed limits will receive the protest fee of $100.00. If the car is found to be illegal, the protest fee will be returned to the protester, and the owner of the protested car may be fined and suspended. A second offense will result in a fine and suspended for the remainder of the racing season. If the driver of the protested car refuses tear down, the car is automatically illegal.

6. If fines have been assessed, the car will not be allowed pit entrance until all fines have been paid.

7. Any car found to be illegal forfeit all points, trophies, and monies won through the date of being found illegal. NO EXCEPTIONS!


A claim may be placed on a carburetor. Claimer must have finished race in lead lap to place a claim. Claimer is required to pay $350 and exchange of carburetor. If claimee denies the claim 1st offense is 2 race suspension and forfeiture of points and prize winnings; 2nd offense suspension for 1 year.



A. 4-cylinder, front or rear wheel drive, no 4 wheel drives.
B. Front or rear engine allowed.
C. Maximum displacement: 2500 CC/152 CID.
D. No rotary, turbo charged, supercharged engines. Fuel injection accepted.
E. Only 1 carburetor, 2 barrel maximum.
F. Only 2 valves per cylinder; 1 intake and 1 exhaust.
G. Only 1 spark plug per cylinder.
H. Any economy sedan, 4-passenger coupe, station wagon or mini pickup.
I. No sport models such as TR4, 280Z, etc.
J. An 86-inch minimum – 100-inch maximum wheelbase. Pickups max to 110 inch.
K. Each car will weigh 1 lb. per CC minimum. The inspection-technical-safety committee may weigh any car at any time.
L. Must have uni-body or factory construction frame.
M. All car bodies must remain stock for year, make and model per manufacturer’s original specifications.

A. Body must be complete, neat in appearance, and numbered according to general rules. Must remain stock for year and model.
B. Stock front and rear bumpers MUST be used. Bumper brackets may be fabricated from ¼ inch flat steel. Must be in stock location.
C. All glass must be removed. Steel rear view mirror allowed.
D. No gutting of interior sheet metal allowed except for doors to allow clearance for roll cage. No gutting of hood or trunk. Firewall, floorboards, and rocker panels must remain stock. Must have wheel wells.
E. Interior sheet metal in trunk area may be removed.
F. All doors must be welded, bolted or chained shut.
G. All that can be unbolted may be removed. Gauges are optional.
H. Hood and trunk pins required: 2 pins, if hinges are used; 4 pins required for lift-off lids.
I. All exterior chrome, antennas, handles, mirrors, headlights, taillights, etc. MUST be removed.
J. Headlight and taillight holes must be covered with metal and show good workmanship. Must have brake light in left rear of cab.
K. Stock grill may be used, or replaced with expanded metal. No plastic grills.
L. Outer fender well may be trimmed a maximum of 2 inches for tire clearance. All sharp edges must be rolled under or covered.
M. No radios of any kind.
N. No aftermarket spoilers or bolt-on hood scoops allowed. Air dams for radiator cooling are allowed.

A. Stock means factory stock OEM for car and chassis used. No alterations, customizing, or reinforcing allowed. No sub-frames allowed.
B. Sway bars must be stock and mounted in the stock location.
C. Caster and camber may be changed by normal methods only. Cannot exceed the Manufacturer’s limitations. No alterations of mounting points. No cutting or welding allowed.
D. All suspension components must be stock and in stock location. No alterations allowed. Aftermarket shocks may be used, as long as they are not racing, coil covers, or air shocks. This includes MacPherson type suspension. One shock per wheel only.

A. Rear end must remain stock. No interchanges allowed.
B. Locking, posi-trac, or limited slip rear ends are allowed. No aftermarket rear ends allowed. Gear ratios may be changed.
C. Stock clutch and flywheel only. No aftermarket or aluminum flywheels allowed.
D. Transmissions must be stock. No altered or aftermarket transmissions allowed.
E. Manual transmissions must have a protective scatter shield; rubber belting or ½ inch expanded metal.

A. Tires must be DOT stock production street tread, designed for general- purpose highway use, available to the general public. Recaps, racing tires, racing recaps, Hoosiers, McCreary, snow, truck, and knobby, studded, or off-road tires are not allowed. M & S (mud and snow) allowed on radials only.
B. Maximum wheel width is 7 inches. Maximum tire width is 8 inches measured across tire footprint. DOT approved tires only. All wheels must have stock studs and lug nuts or bigger.
C. Right front wheel must be reinforced or heavy duty. NOT STOCK.
D. No grooving of tires.

A. All requirements per Wissota safety rules.
B. Electric fuel pumps must shut off when engine dies.
C. Fuel cell must be behind driver and behind firewall.
D. Maximum capacity 16 gallons.
E. Must have a fuel cell with a drip valve after your first year of racing.

A. No cutting, welding, or alterations of any kind of any steering components is allowed.
B. Stock brakes must be in working order on all four wheels.
C. No aftermarket or adjustable proportion/bias adjusters of any type allowed.
D. All brake and steering components must be stock for make, model and year of chassis.

A. Steel roll cage required and must pass inspection by tech inspectors.
B. Roll cage must be a four-point cage with a minimum of 3 horizontal bars on the driver side and 2 horizontal bars on the passenger side. Four vertical bars are required between each horizontal bar. Spreader bars required on top of cage in front and back, with spreader bar front to back. "X" bar required behind driver. All cage components must be 1 ½ inch x 0.095-inch wall steel pipe.
C. All four main uprights must be fastened to floorboards with minimum of 3/16 inch thick by 4-inch square steel mounting pads. Pad must secured with 4 3/8 inch bolts. Same size pad must be used on underside as a backing plate.
D. Rear hoop is required in trunk area 2 inches below top of, and behind fuel tank, with 45 degrees kickers for fuel protection. May be attached to the frame, inside the trunk area. Must be connected to the main cage.
E. Front loop is optional
F. A 2 inch maximum diameter round pipe may be welded between the rear frame rails behind fuel tank.
G. Cage must be padded at any point where driver may come into contact with it.
H. Roll cage must conform to Wissota rules. Gussets around upper cage are required.

A. ENGINE MUST REMAIN STOCK FOR MAKE AND MODEL OF CHASSIS BEING USED. Stock means OEM factory stock. No alterations allowed, except where specifically noted.
B. Overbore shall not exceed 0.060 inches from OEM. Add 100 lbs. if bored.
C. Crankshaft must be stock. Stroke may not be increased or decreased from original OEM specifications.
D. Connecting rods must be stock.
E. Any hydraulic cam and what it takes to do so
F. Heads and blocs must be stock. If head wraps, bring it to the club.
G. Pistons must be stock or to match overbore.
H. Valve and valve train components may be after market.
I. All aftermarket replacement parts must be exactly as OEM in size, shape, weight and finish.
J. Oil pans may be changed or altered from performance with the same capacity.
K. Oil pump may be high volume or high pressure (optional) and in stock location. Aftermarket oil cooler are optional in motor compartment.
L. Porting of heads and engine balancing are not allowed.
M. Parts classified as high performance are not allowed except for cam.
N. Motor mounts must be in stock position with chain or arm to stabilize motor.
O. Overhead cams allowed. OEM only, sprockets or belts.

A. Ignition system must be stock.
B. No high performance ignition system is allowed.

A. Any carburetor allowed with adaptor plate up to 500 cfm. Jets and power valves may be changed. Choke may be removed.
B. Two carburetor return springs are required: one on the carburetor and one on the linkage.
C. Cool air or ram air devices are not allowed.
D. Intake manifold must be stock.
E. Any and/or all air pollution devices may be removed and sealed.
F. No spacers under the carburetor other than OEM stock.
G. Fuel injection allowed.

A. Headers are allowed.
B. Exhaust size optional. Exhaust must exit under and outside of car body behind the driver.

A. Any radiator is allowed. Must be mounted in stock location.
B. Overflow container is required.
C. Fan shroud is required.
D. Electric fans are allowed. Fan must shut off when the engine dies.

A. One battery only. Must be enclosed and fastened securely.
B. All requirements per safety rules apply to this class.
C. All cars must be self-starting at the start of the race.

All safety rules apply to this class.

Rule changes are in blue!!


1. Driver behavior must comply with general rules.


2. Production manufactured car with production manufactured motor. Ie GM to GM, Ford to Ford, Mopar to Mopar.(Except Ford 9 inch rear end.)


3. Cars must have all glass, chrome, and upholstery removed. 1 OEM rearview mirror allowed.


4. Cars must have minimum of 101-inch wheelbase.


5. Full front seat, factory buckets, or any racing seat allowed. Must have 5-point harness belts.


6. Roll cage, halo with minimum of 4 posts to frame supporting halo outside driver & passenger. Minimum of 1 ½ inch round and 2-inch square. Wall thickness minimum of 0.095. Helmet must not exceed top of halo. No galvanized or threaded joints. Joints must be electronically welded only. No part of roll cage may be outside of body except for door bars which must stay between front & rear wheel wells. Bars cannot extend more than 3 inches from the body of the car and ends must be flat to body.


7. Doors may be gutted but must be replaced by minimum of three parallel bars full length of doors connected to posts of cage, hoods, deck lids and front fender wells allowed. Car must weigh a minimum of 3200lbs.


8. Doors must be chained, bolted or welded shut.


9. Strictly stock suspension and body. Must meet year, make & model for year of car.


10. Any hydraulic cam (non-roller) remainder of engine must be stock.


11. Exhaust must extend past driver’s seat. Headers are allowed with the exception of over the top or 180's will not be allowed.


12. Stock fuel tank is allowed but must be placed inside the trunk for the first year only. A fuel cell is recommended.


13. Must have full sheet metal between trunk and interior, and engine compartment and interior.


14. No bumper bracing, or other bracing allowed.


15. 9-inch wide tread, passenger car, DOT tire IMCA MOD or Wissota Super Stock Tires optional but cannot exceed 9-inch wide tread. 8-inch wide wheel max. Reinforced right side mandatory or racing wheels recommended. Staggering is allowed.


16. No grooving or sipping allowed.


17. Stock fuel injection is allowed. Naturally aspirated only. Any 2 barrel carburetor max of 500 CFM with 1" maximum spacer is allowed.


18. Tech approved helmet, long pants, long sleeve shirt, full shoes, and eye protection is required. Snell approved 90' or newer. If using a M rating must use a fire sock


19. Ford 9 inch rear ends are allowed no full floating


20. Spools/ lockers are allowable.


21. One (1) inch hex lug nuts mandatory.


22. Racing radiator in stock location allowed.


23. Any wet sump oil pan is allowed.


24. Duel plane Cast or aluminum intake manifold.


25. Racing fuel is allowed with the exception of NO ALCOHOL AND NO E-85 FUEL.



All rules as set forth by the Carbon County Fair Board.



All rules set by Wissota.

Rules can be found at



All rules set by Barnet, Wissots or IMCA.



By their current governing rules.



By their current governing rules.


SPRINTS (By invitation)

By their current governing rules.


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